Beth had the chance to sit in on a seminar at Gen Con all about making players know fear, and...
Ethan had the chance to sit in on a seminar about technology in gaming, featuring the guys from Obsidian Portal...
Ethan had the chance to talk with the publishers of Square Shooters, C.J. Calvert Designs & Heartland Consumer Products, LLC. Square Shooters...
Ethan had the chance to talk to Michael Mendes, head of Tasty Minstrel Games at Gen Con 2011. Tasty Minstrel...
Ethan had the chance to talk to Gamers For Humanity, a charity organization at Gen Con 2011. Gamers For Humanity...
Ethan had the chance to sit in on the Pinnacle Entertainment seminar at Gen Con 2011. Pinnacle Entertainment went over...
Ethan had the chance to stop off at the Mercs Miniatures booth at Gen Con 2011, and talk with Keith...
Ethan had the chance to sit in on the Fantasy Flight Games seminar detailing their current plans and announcements for...
Ethan has had the chance to talk to the Lone Wolf Development guys before, but at Gen Con 2011, they...
Ethan and Beth attended Savage Saturday Night, hosted by Pinnacle Entertainment Group, and sat down to play Savage Worlds: Apaches...
Ethan had the chance to sit in on an interesting seminar about the paranormal and culture’s ideas and interpretations thereof....
Ethan had the pleasure to speak with Ivan Van Norman of Hunters Books, publishers of the hit role-playing game Outbreak...