Gamer’s Haven Special Edition – An Interview with Steve Kenson

Ethan had the pleasure to sit down with Mutants & Masterminds (Green Ronin) and ICONS (Adamant Entertainment) creator Steve Kenson to pick his brain about all things Superheroes.

About Steve Kenson

Steve Kensons tarted working freelance in the RPG industry in 1995. Since then he has written or contributed to over a hundred different products for various game lines. Although he primarily works work Green Ronin these days, he is still available for occasional freelance projects and works on his own side-projects from time to time.

About Mutants & Masterminds

It has been called “the best, most exciting superhero RPG in years.” It sets “new standards in design and presentation.” It has won awards that include the Pen & Paper Fan Award for Best RPG, the ENWorld Award for Best d20 RPG, and the prestigious EN World Peer Award for 2003. Now the World’s Greatest Superhero Roleplaying Game is even better!


What kid raised in recent generations hasn’t pretended to be a superhero at some point: worn a cape, “flown” around, bounced imaginary bullets or shot “blasts of power” from hands or eyes? Why not? After all, the superhero is the perfect modern fantasy: powerful, respected, and loved by the public, but with a message of responsibility, duty, truth, and justice that appeals to parents as well as kids. In countless comic books (and now “graphic novels”), cartoons, and live-action television shows and films, superheroes continue to thrill and capture our imagination while also celebrating some of our better qualities. Who wouldn’t want to be a hero?

About Green Ronin

Green Ronin Publishing is a Seattle based company dedicated to the art of great games. Since the year 2000 Green Ronin has established a reputation for quality and innovation that is second to none, publishing such critical favorites as the Freeport Trilogy, Book of the Righteous, Hobby Games: The 100 Best, and the Mutants & Masterminds RPG, and winning over 40 awards for excellence. For an unprecented three years running Green Ronin won the prestigious GenCon & EnWorld Award for Best Publisher.

About Adamant Entertainment

Adamant Entertainment has been at the forefront of the electronic publishing segment of the entertainment industry for seven years, offering innovation and standard-setting performance for digital delivery of tabletop role-playing games. In 2007, Adamant was featured in an Associated Press article spotlighting the growth of the ePublishing industry, which was carried in publications ranging from the Washington Post to the South China Morning Post, and online via dozens of sites, including CNNMoney, and the Nintendo Wii News Channel.