
Gamer’s Haven Episode 76 – Cooperative Worldbuilding Part 3

By terrestrialboy, on November 11th, 2010

We take a a final look at the cooperative worldbuilding system designed by the ClanWebsite.org Dawn of Worlds, a free PDF that can be found here, and finish up the first era.  We take a lot of tangents, as you can see.

Alternatively, if that site was to go away, you can click to download the Dawn of Worlds Cooperative World Creation

In this episode, we spend some more time on races and promise to move on to something else.

In the Three Parter, Nathan talks a little about what he’s into with retro gaming, Jeremy reviews a few PDFs we were sent by EN Publishing and Three Sages Games, and Ethan raves a bit on Misfit Studios

We end things with some brief random encounters before we let things be.

About EN Publishing

EN Publishing is the publishing arm of EN World.  EN World is a role-playing game news and reviews website, which has grown from the earlier “Eric Noah’s Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News” site (which was active from 1999-2001).

About Three Sages Games

Three Sages Games often offers a different twist to our games in a crowded field of game titles. We value game play over flash and many of our titles are geared for family play. Our partners have over 60 combined years of rules tinkering and game playing that is invested into all our games. We are in the middle of California and seek to expand our base of happy customers beyond our local area by providing quality gaming experiences at reasonable prices. Perhaps we will meet you at a store demo or convention this year.

About Misfit Studios

Misfit Studios is a (currently) small publishing and production company that makes quality products for current game systems. To this end, the company has assembled a fine team of talented people.

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