

Many years ago … well more than a decade ago, really, I started running Dungeons & Dragons for some friends of mine. This, of course, led to the creation of a campaign world for my players to adventure in.

Jeremy has been blogging on and off about his setting, Theyra, and I’ve got some material that I’d like to work on and publish here as well, over time. This will cross-post on the Gamer’s Haven Podcast website and the Why Not Write website.

I fully intend to collect this information into a PDF that will sell on RPGNow at some juncture, but all the data will be available here as well, just piecemeal.

What I want to start with is religion, or gods to be precise. Religion in D&D, or any fantasy setting, is highly important. Think about if the Pope could actually heal, or call down a flame-strike, and then imagine what that would do to religious organizations around the world – they’d be a heck of a lot more powerful seeing as there would concrete proof of divine beings.

It’s something you have to heavily consider with a fantasy setting. If your world has gods, and those gods are real, and the layman can easily witness or know about healing magic and, therefore, evidence of divine beings actually existing … well, there would be a lot more devout believers in the world.

The godly hierarchy of Spiridon is split into several different tiers.  The uppermost tier of the “Mortal Gods” is the Primal Gods, followed by the Elemental Gods, Racial Gods, Civilization Gods, and finally, the Secret Gods.  There is no dominant “King or Queen of the Gods”, but a mutual respect among the tiered deities.  Those below a certain station know they cannot challenge the power of a greater deity (without subterfuge) without serious repercussions.  The hierarchies are determined by worshippers and the nature of the world at large.

Centuries ago, The Godwar claimed many lives of the sacred deities, and new deities appeared to take their place.  They have since been assimilated into the realm.

Originally, I used the default deities in Dungeons & Dragons. Some of them remain, and some have evolved. You’ll notice, for example, that Pelor is a deity, but is now a goddess rather than a god

You’ll also notice that there are Dragon Gods, Forgotten Gods, and Lost Gods. In the cosmic heirarchy, the Dragon Gods were the first, created by Tiamat. They then created what would become the “Mortal Gods.” Hardly anyone knows the Dragon Gods exist, and they’re largely “hands-off” in regards to the mortals, not because of some all-knowing plan, but because they don’t see the mortals as something they need to waste their time on.

Obviously, as this goes on, I’ll elaborate on deities more and provide statistics if necessary.

Primal Gods

  • Fareed (God of Nature, The Sea, Fate, Pain, & Devils)
  • Jareth (God of Love)
  • Lijden (God of Life & Death)
  • Pelor (Goddess of the Sun, Light, & Fire)[1]
  • Telor (God of Magic, Secrets, & Commerce)[2]

Elemental Gods

  • Rudran (Goddess of The Sky)[3]
  • Tetonius (God of The Earth)

Racial Gods

  • Corellan Larethian (God of The Elves)
  • Dirrinka (Goddess of The Duergar)[4]
  • Gruumsh (God of The Orcs)
  • Moradin (God of Dwarves & Mountain Gnomes)[5]
  • Sideral (God of The Stars & The Halflings)[6]
  • Xammut (God of the Unknown & Kobolds)

Civilization Gods

  • Fharlanghn (Goddess of Travel)[7]
  • Heironeous (God of Chivalry & Pride)[8]
  • Kord (God of War, Strength, & Wrath)
  • St. Cuthbert (God of Justice)
  • Varazslatos (God of Medicine & Order)

Secret Gods

  • Cthulhu (God of Madness, Nightmares & The Underdark)[9]
  • Eyrthnul (God of Slaughter & The Moon) [10]
  • Olidammara (God of Trickery & Guile) [11]
  • Vecna (Goddess of Undeath & Greed) [12]

Dragon Gods

  • Adralion (Copper Dragon God of Warriors and Weather)
  • Ambrosius (Brass Dragon God of Mischief and Love)
  • Bahamut (Black Dragon God of Death, Destruction, & Magic)
  • Inaros (White Dragon God of Tyranny and Retribution)
  • Khron (Silver Dragon God of Life)
  • Maril (Colorless Dragon God of Neutrality)
  • Mourtos (Blue Dragon God of Oceans & Space)
  • Shuheng (Green Dragon God of Truth and Punishment)
  • Taro (Gold Dragon God of Wealth and Law)
  • Thanarat (Colorless Dragon God of Lesser Dragons)
  • Tiamat (The Great Creator)
  • Urizar (Bronze Dragon God of Justice and Peace)
  • Zoragh (Red Dragon God of War and Slaughter)

Dead Deities

  • Azazoth (God of the Underdark) k. by Cthulhu
  • Kurtulmak (God of Kobolds & Kuo-Toa) k. by Xammut
  • Blibdoolpoolp (Goddess of Kuo-Toa) k. by Kurtulmak
  • Calladuran Smoothhands (God of Deep Gnomes) k. by Moradin
  • Conscientis (Goddess of Knowledge and Greed) k. by Vecna
  • Duisteken (God of Darkness and Light) k. by Pelor
  • Great Mother (Goddess of Beholders) k. by Pelor
  • Pateran (Goddess of Fire) k. by Pelor
  • Envidiaress (Goddess of Punishment and Envy) k. by St. Cuthbert
  • Hamnasis (Goddess of Vengeance and Revenge) k. by St. Cuthbert
  • Forkolelsem (God of Water and Ice) k. by Fareed
  • Frodim (God of Water) k. by Fareed
    • Yeathan (God of Evil Depths) k. by Frodim
  • Patient One (God of Corruption & Fate) k. by Fareed
    • Calan (Goddess of Fate)  k. by The Patient One
  • Rallaster (God of Pain) k. by Fareed
  • Shub-Niggurath (God of Chaos & Creation) k. by Fareed
  • Langolva (God of Pride and Fire) k. by Heironeous
  • Lolth (Goddess of Drow) k. by Gruumsh
  • Nazaral (God of Humans) k. by Hextor
  • Nyrlathotep (God of Magic) k. by Boccob
  • Towenaar (God of Magic and Secrets) k. by Boccob
  • Vorax (Goddess of Gluttony and Commerce) k. by Boccob
  • Oorlog (God of War, Wrath, & Gnomes) k. by Kord
    • Garl Glittergold (God of Gnomes) k. by Oorlog
  • Scahrossak (Goddess of Hatred) k. by Olidammara
  • Selenius (God of the Moon) k. by Eyrthnul
  • Volutia (Goddess of Strength and Lust) k. by Jareth
  • Wee-Jas (Goddess of Death) k. by Lijden
    • Nerull (God of Death) k. by Wee-Jas
  • Yog-Sothoth (God of Planar Travel) k. by Fharlanghn
  • Yondalla (Goddess of Halflings) k. by Sideral
  • Obad-Hai (God of Nature) k. by Fareed
  • Elhonna (God of Nature) k. by Fareed

Lost Deities

  • Hextor (God of Tyranny)
  • Ueza (God of Weather)
  • Hastur (God of Entropy)

[1] Married to Moradin.

[2] Married to Vecna..

[3] Married to Sideral.

[4] Married to Cthulhu.

[5] Married to Pelor.

[6] Married to Rudran.

[7] Married to Heironeous.

[8] Married to Fharlanghn.

[9] Not worshipped openly.  Married to Dirrinka.

[10] Not worshipped openly.

[11] Not worshipped openly.

[12] Not worshipped openly.  Married to Telor.

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