
The Gamer’s Haven is proud to announce the release of our first PDF release for sale, Justice City Superpowered

For those of you who are following the ongoing M&M 3E Justice City Unitedcampaign in our actual play, you know that Justice City is a part of the Superpowered universe that was previously featured in the Freedom City Adventures actual play.

Superpowered is a setting that Ethan has been working on for several years, andJustice City Superpowered is the first release in a series of setting installments meant to combine together to create a large setting, or usable as small city installments in your existing campaign.

So, support us here at the Gamer’s Haven and pick up a copy through ouraffiliate link and we’ll see you in Justice City!

About Justice City Superpowered

On May 17, 2012, the Sun entered the second half of its life. A burst of unknown radiation erupted from its core, traveling just over 237 Million miles before it dissipated.

The innter planets were irradiated with a strange energy. This energy brought forth the Superpowered …

The first in a series of supplemental setting books, Justice City Superpowered gives you the basic bones of a city setting to use in your M&M campaign. Use it as your central setting, or combine it with an existing campaign to give your characters a new place to visit!

Additionally, you can combine all the Gamer’s Haven Superpowered setting books together to create the Superpowered Setting, a place where your superheroes can battle supervillains of all shapes and sizes.

Justice City changed its name from Vancouver a few years back, bending to the popularity of other worldly cities renaming themselves in the wake of the appearance of Superpowered. It’s a large metropolitan area, with a rich history and a unique climate.

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